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Prestigeous prize of the Community of architects in category new building 1994

New scene of theatre Husa na provázku Brno

with K. Hubáček, V. Králíček

Mayor of Prague prize 1999, Building of the year

Rekonstrukce a dostavba divadla DISK DAMU

with K. Hubáček

Office Liberec
Voroněžská 144, Liberec 1, 460 01

Office Praha
Drtinova 557/10, Praha 5, 150 00

Office Brno
Cyrilská 7, Brno, 602 00

tel: +420 603 323 745


How does the cooperation work

  • Introductory not-binding meeting with the investor, ideas consultation.
  • Visiting a plot, or object. (ideally with at least partial plans of the object such as floor plans, sections, elevations, technical report)
  • We together determine approach, deadlines, honorary and contract.
  • After the contract is signed, we start design work, during which we throughly consult our work with inverstor and we adjust the project accordingly to his decisions and wishes.
  • Our goal is functional and reasonably priced architecture, with aesthetical qualities.


  • architectural projects
  • projects for building permits
  • detailed projects for realizations, reconstructions and interiors
  • architectural and technical supervision during realization
  • financial supervision, guaranteed price of building
  • civil engineering
  • low-energy and passive houses
  • family houses
  • apartment buildings, hotels, pensions
  • interiors, retail units
  • industrial objects and halls
  • urbanistic plans
  • design of objects and furniture
  • computer graphics and animations
  • PENB (Průkaz energetické náročnosti budov)
  • expert help in obtaining grants in program Nová zelená úsporám 2015
  • 3D models and vizualizations
  • existing buildings plans, budget
  • thermal loss calculations
  • projects are processed in 2D, 3D or as BIM, we use AutoCad, Revit